Go Woke, Go Broke

A pithy saying some of us have heard and been using for a while, but sadly, it holds truth.

Today we have to highlight two flagship organizations that have recently moved away from the gospel tenant of being “in the world and not of it,” to something more like, “following Jesus is hard, let’s do what the world is doing instead.”

Salvation Army took a HUGE hit this Christmas season in donations and volunteers largely because they chose to follow the anti-Christian Critical Race Theory crowd down the rabbit hole. And they paid the price for it.

Focus on the Family, in a different strain, has decided to enforce the Biden Administrations unconstitutional and unconscionable medical mandate on all of it’s employees potentially affecting the lively hood of dozens of their own families, not to mention capitulating to an overreaching governmental demand.

We will look at both of these in today’s show.

You may be asking, “Why does this matter?”

I am just a regular church goer and I don’t contribute to either of these organizations. What harm does it do?

That is the slippery slope. Once a ‘ministry’ goes down this path, it becomes easier for others to join. Also, it creates positive peer pressure for ministries to follow. So what is the end result?

We must keep the foundation plain – Do you believe Jesus is the center of the Gospel?

Do you believe anything added to this gospel is no longer the gospel?

If this is so, then you must:

  1. Strengthen your own conscience – What YOU believe
  2. Pay attention where people and organizations do not follow Biblical truth – What the world WANTS you to believe.

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Top 5 Pandemic Songs!

Today we do something a little different:

We are going to rank the top 5 Pandemic Songs!

With classics like:

  • Wear a Mask
  • Joe Byron
  • Somewhere past the pandemic

And more!

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Omicron Takes Over

As the tidal wave of omicron crashes over the whole world, the dam built by the religion of science is cracking. And we are here to pick up the pieces. 

Today we look at the religious, I mean, science leaders and how they have changed their tune in the wake of the latest round.

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2022 – A New HOPE!

Happy New Year!
God is still God.
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Though the world is going quickly toward the cliff of secular humanism, or whatever you want to call it, we can still see God working, even in the chaos and the brokenness.

Today let’s talk about two:

– Haiti Missionary Escape!
– Tornado Destruction and New Hope

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Advent Week 5 – CHRIST!

Advent celebrates the arrival of Jesus into the world and all he that brings us!
This is week 5, which is all about Jesus.

If you have been listening this month, we have talked about Hope, Peace, Joy, Love and now today we talk about Jesus Christ. This is the traditional Advent progression and I wanted to share it briefly with you in the hopes that you would be encouraged to celebrate not just this season, but the whole reason for the Christmas season – Jesus Christ.

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Advent Week 4 – LOVE!

Advent celebrates the arrival of Jesus into the world and all that brings us!
This is day 4 – Love

“O Holy Night”
Truly He taught us to love one another; His law is love and His gospel is peace.

If you want to know how to love one another, look at the love that sent Jesus.
That is the beauty of Christmas!
God showed himself to us in a way we could understand.
He sent his son, Jesus in human form, so we could see how God would act on this earth.
We don’t have to guess at what God is like.
We don’t have to wonder what would Jesus do. We can actually know.
We can read all about the life of Jesus and then the letters from those that actually knew and lived and walked with Jesus. All recorded in the New Testatment.

We can love because He first loved us.

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C4 Detonates in Canada

Bill C4 has just passed all of the legislation in Canada and the potential consequences for the church are explosive.

We have been talking about Truth for a long time now. Truth is important.

Many people think the Bible says ‘all you need is love.’

That was the Beatles, not Jesus.

Now we are reaping the consequences of this ideology.

If you are a pastor or counselor or just a believer in Canada, after the new year, when this bill goes into place, you may be jailed up to 5 years for helping a person find their identity in Christ.

If that sounds crazy or authoritarian or something like you’d hear in China or Afghanistan or Iran, you are right. But, it is going to happen in Canada in the new year thank’s to Bill C4.

Why am I talking about this in America when this is happening in Canada, because we are not that different and those running the show up there are just like those running the show down here. The Equality act, in America is different but similar enough that you should pay attention to both Canada, Australia, England and of course American legislation. They are all related.

Now, what you will hear about C4 is that the bill outlaws ‘conversion therapy.’ The proponents will tell you it is to avoid shock therapy and medical castration and other things.

However, this is not the focus of the bill. If you want to read it for your self, here’s the link.

Link to Bill C4

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At Church Public we create compelling content to equip you to follow Jesus and engage in the public square.

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Advent Week 3 – JOY!

Philippians 4:4 says: “Rejoice in the Lord always! I will say it again, rejoice!” 

Are you full of Joy?
Why or why not?

Joy is the heart of Christmas. 
And the reason JOY is the heart is because of the good news of great Joy that Jesus has come to earth to save us.

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Previous Advent Weeks:

Advent Week 1 – Hope

Advent Week 2 – Peace

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Abortion Sanctuary State and Notre Dame Reno

What is an abortion sanctuary?
Seems like this is an oxymoron like jumbo shrimp or intelligent politician.

Not only does Sanctuary reference the holy place of the church, but it also historically refers to the protection of those seeking refuge from people attempting to do them harm.

The definition, like so many others, has done a complete flip flop where sanctuary now refers to a place where you can go and sacrifice an innocent life on the altar of self.
My how times have changed.

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Advent Week 2 – PEACE!

 “Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright. Round yon virgin, mother and Child, Holy Infant so tender and mild, sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace.”

Week 2 of Advent here at Church Public.

This week we are talking about Peace. The peace of Christ. The peace that Jesus brings that ONLY comes from him. Advent is a traditional Christian practice that reminds us how much we need our Savior Jesus Christ. The word Advent means ‘visit’ or ‘arrival’.

Today we look for the Peace of God in this world. This practice of Advent is a weekly reminder marking the arrival of Jesus into this world and looking forward to the day he comes again. We all long for peace, but there is sadly so little of it. Wars in the Middle East. War in China with Hong Kong and Taiwan. Then there’s political unrest of the last couple years in America. Not to mention all the fear from the virus.

But for the believer we know that Jesus IS our peace. Only in Christ can we actually have  peace. The Advent message of peace is all about Christ. Jesus brings peace to all areas of our lives, but so many today just want peace without God.

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