AOC’s Invisible Handcuffs?

Just imagine, you are in the desert, and you have walked all day and you are dying of thirst, you see a pool of water up ahead. It is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. You need the water, you are dying for the water. You are tired and hot and thirsty and you cannot wait to take a cool drink in the pool of paradise. You are exhausted, but you run up to the pool only to find that there actually is no pool, there is no water. In fact, all you find is more sand. 

You have heard this story countless times. You have seen it in movies and books for millennia. This is a mirage. A mirage is something that is not real, but looks very enticing.

This culture is creating a mirage and they are going back and forth through all areas of life to make sure that the mirage is the most incredible and enticing and attractive display you have ever seen. Only, it is not real.

They have tried to bend the light in such a way to create a mirage of paradise that everyone wants to get to. But again, it is not real.

They will tell you in all kinds of way that this will be paradise. This will bring peace and happiness to all of the people on earth, but it is not real.

Today we look at several stories where this culture, academics and government try to pretend that there is something there, where there is nothing. They need you to believe in the mirage.

I’m Matt Odegaard, and this is ChurchPublic.


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Published by mattodegaard

Matt Odegaard

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