Al Qaeda, School Lunches and Magic Mushrooms, Oh My!

Al Qaeda leader is killed by drone strike which is good for the war on terror.However, he was in Afghanistan, which is bad, because we left there in a hurry and apparently he was just leading the high life in a nice place downtown. School lunch ladies may be out of a job because theContinue reading “Al Qaeda, School Lunches and Magic Mushrooms, Oh My!”

Leave my KIDS ALONE!

Welcome to Church Public, Current events from a Christian Perspective. Today we learn It’s ok to try and stab a Governor or attempt to murder a Supreme Court Justice, as long as they are conservative. Los Angeles Unified School District encourages kids to experiment with pronouns and other LGBT ideas. In AZ, you no longerContinue reading “Leave my KIDS ALONE!”

NY Times Wants you to be a Cannibal?!?

Current events from a Christian Perspective: Today on ChurchPublic: NY Times supports cannibalism Crayola crayons goes trans Argentina gets the woke OUT of Spanish Planned Parenthood wants to open ‘reproductive health’ clinics IN high schools in CA Thanks for watching! Thanks for listening! At Church Public we create compelling content to equip you to followContinue reading “NY Times Wants you to be a Cannibal?!?”

AOC’s Invisible Handcuffs?

Just imagine, you are in the desert, and you have walked all day and you are dying of thirst, you see a pool of water up ahead. It is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. You need the water, you are dying for the water. You are tired and hot and thirsty andContinue reading “AOC’s Invisible Handcuffs?”

Courage or Cowardice: Uvalde and Greenwood

“If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldierContinue reading “Courage or Cowardice: Uvalde and Greenwood”

What is Marriage?

What is Marriage? I know we have been bombarded by the question “What is a Woman” lately and to be fair, that is a supremely important question, but the next question that follows by extension is, “what is marriage?” If we cannot answer any of these fundamental questions as a society, we will not longContinue reading “What is Marriage?”

Pregnancy Care Center or Torture Chamber?

Senator Elizabeth Warren doesn’t like mothers or babies and apparently thinks pregnancy centers are some kind of medieval torture chamber where pregnant ‘persons’ go in and never return. Also, what is a pregnant person? Senators on the Hill have a conversation with a pro abortion law professor from UC Berkeley and the responses are… interesting.Continue reading “Pregnancy Care Center or Torture Chamber?”

Pro Abort Group puts up Bounty for Supreme Court Justices

Current Events from a Christian Perspective News from July 12, 2022 Biden issues an Executive Order for more abortions. The Church of England forgets what a ‘woman’ is. Pro Abortion group puts up a bounty for Supreme Court Justices. And the Surprising Case for Marrying Young! This is ChurchPublic! Thanks for watching! Thanks for listening!Continue reading “Pro Abort Group puts up Bounty for Supreme Court Justices”

Baymax TRANS Character?

Disney’s Baymax robot meets a trans person while shopping for feminine products. Also, from a Disney cartoon, two animated male dinosaurs are pretending to have a family by taking care of a rock egg in a nest. The animated children decided to ‘help’ the gay dinosaurs by finding a surrogate egg donor to give toContinue reading “Baymax TRANS Character?”

Preacher Arrested, Trans Summer Camp and Churches Closing…

Today we have ANOTHER Netflix warning and then we turn to trans summer camp, the great corporate migration. A preacher is arrested for preaching in Seattle and 200 year old churches keep closing.