Colleges against Christianity (and Judaism)

Current Events from a Christian Perspective: Today we go to college, no not really, but we will look at a few schools that are dealing with the cross between faith and culture and see what happens.We see a british school that doesn’t want people talking about marriage, traditionally at least.We have an Ivy league schoolContinue reading “Colleges against Christianity (and Judaism)”

Gay Pigs, Demon Children and Respect for Marriage!

Today on ChurchPublic, Cartoons are evil, the democrats want to redefine marriage, again, and a school teacher is put in jail for trespassing after he was put on leave for not wanting to use a students preferred pronouns. Welcome to Current Events from a Christian Perspective! Thanks for watching! Thanks for listening! At Church PublicContinue reading “Gay Pigs, Demon Children and Respect for Marriage!”

God Bless the Queen

Welcome to ChurchPublic – Current events from a Christian perspective. Today we are going to spend a few minutes talking about the passing of the Queen of England. Before you skip and change to another podcast, give me a minute to explain the significance. Yes, I am an American and still believe that America isContinue reading “God Bless the Queen”

Is Biden really the SOUL of America?

Well before the industrial revolution and the advent of the automobile, towns were organized in a vastly different way. If you go to many towns across western europe and even in the colonies of America, you will see a church at the center of the town. Why? Because the church was the center of theContinue reading “Is Biden really the SOUL of America?”

Woke Spiritual Disciplines

Today on ChurchPublic we have:Woke Spiritual Disciplines – Eating bugs is the new sacrament of the Left.Also:California banning gas cars while also telling people to not charge their electric vehicles.The Satan Club wants your children to join the after school program. We will look at the latest in sports progression. And a few other stories along theContinue reading “Woke Spiritual Disciplines”

Conduct Unbecoming a Prime Minister?

We are more polarized than ever and there is a specific reason for that. The internet has made life more homogenous, the same attracts the same. No longer do you have to live in the community where you actually live. You can associate with those you agree with and you never have to see theContinue reading “Conduct Unbecoming a Prime Minister?”

Do the Ends Justify the Means?

If an asteroid was heading toward earth, what would you do? Would you do anything necessary to stop it no matter how bad that thing is? Today we hear from an atheist who states this very clearly and it is an important lesson to hear, because this is what many on the left and theContinue reading “Do the Ends Justify the Means?”

Al Qaeda, School Lunches and Magic Mushrooms, Oh My!

Al Qaeda leader is killed by drone strike which is good for the war on terror.However, he was in Afghanistan, which is bad, because we left there in a hurry and apparently he was just leading the high life in a nice place downtown. School lunch ladies may be out of a job because theContinue reading “Al Qaeda, School Lunches and Magic Mushrooms, Oh My!”

NY Times Wants you to be a Cannibal?!?

Current events from a Christian Perspective: Today on ChurchPublic: NY Times supports cannibalism Crayola crayons goes trans Argentina gets the woke OUT of Spanish Planned Parenthood wants to open ‘reproductive health’ clinics IN high schools in CA Thanks for watching! Thanks for listening! At Church Public we create compelling content to equip you to followContinue reading “NY Times Wants you to be a Cannibal?!?”

Courage or Cowardice: Uvalde and Greenwood

“If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldierContinue reading “Courage or Cowardice: Uvalde and Greenwood”